Interview and podcast for ‘The Music Show’ on ABC Radio in Australia

18th September 2021 | Concerts | 0 comments

This week I did an interview about my book ‘The Piano’ with Andrew Ford, the knowledgeable host of ABC’s long-running ‘Music Show‘ in Australia.

He has woven in archive clips of other pianists talking or playing favourite music, so it has become an pleasing mosaic of views on the piano’s wonderful repertoire. The whole thing lasts about an hour.

The interview will be broadcast in Australia on Sunday 19 September at 11.05 Sydney time – they’re ten hours ahead of the UK, so that means 01.05 GMT for any night owls wishing to listen in. The programme stays online afterwards, of course.

There’s also a podcast, available internationally and ready now:

(Photo: me warming up for the Lammermuir Festival last weekend.)


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