'Reviews' Blog Post Archive
A belated review of ‘Out of Silence’

A belated review of ‘Out of Silence’

My 2010 book Out of Silence has received a decade-late review in American Record Guide - in the nicest possible way. Their reviewer Bruno Repp had written a long article about lesser-known piano music he thought readers would enjoy discovering. He ended with this...

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Mozart piano and violin sonatas download

Mozart piano and violin sonatas download

This week I've been trying to find out what happened to the album of Mozart piano and violin sonatas that the wonderful Viennese violinist Erich Höbarth and I made in 2012. (That's us in the photo.) It was compiled from live recordings of a concert series we performed...

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‘Famously opaque world of classical music’

‘Famously opaque world of classical music’

The other day I read a review in The Guardian of a book, 'In Good Hands', by conductor Alice Farnham, about the art and craft of conducting. I haven't read the book, but I was struck by several phrases the reviewer, Caroline Crampton, used when talking about classical...

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Diapason magazine

Diapason magazine

A nice surprise today: Bob came back from a meeting with a magazine page brought along by a colleague. It was from the February issue of the leading French record magazine Diapason, one of whose editors had taken the new Cambridge Companion to Recorded Music as the...

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An unexpected pairing

A most unexpected and heartwarming New Year gift arrived today in the form of a comment made in a Times book review by the distinguished cellist Natalie Clein. Reviewing a new book on Bach’s cello suites, she muses on the difficulty of writing about music, and says,...

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Small is beautiful

Still feeling cross that the Guardian, in its review of classical music in the past decade, did not say a single word about chamber music. Guardian writer Tom Service devoted almost his whole summary to opera and orchestral music. This happens year after year, no...

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Gramophone magazine

At last Gramophone, the UK's leading classical record magazine, has reviewed the Florestan Trio's latest Hyperion disc of Haydn Trios (volume 2). Here's an extract: 'The Florestan Trio display their customary virtuosity, elegance and caprice, once again capturing the...

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Trumpet, my own, blowing

When I got back from Lisbon this afternoon, I looked at my website statistics and saw that an awful lot of people had looked at the website on Saturday while I was away. I realised later that it must have been because of the Guardian’s heart-warming review that day of...

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Bushes and briars

The critics of Gramophone magazine have been choosing their favourite discs of the year for the December issue, and Peter Quantrill has chosen the Florestan Trio's latest disc, of Haydn Trios (volume 2), as his personal favourite of 2009.  He writes: 'I can't remember...

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‘Alison’s House’

‘Alison’s House’

It’s a double-edged feeling when you come across something superb by someone you’ve never heard of. Happy to discover them, but sad that they seem to have fallen through the net of history. That’s how we felt on seeing ‘Alison’s House’, by the American playwright...

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First review of the trio’s new CD

The Florestan Trio’s new disc, a second volume of Haydn piano trios (Hyperion CDA67757), is just arriving in the shops, and the first review appeared yesterday. The magazine International Record Review (October) has given it their ‘Oustanding’ mark.  The review is...

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Where are the best reviews?

My trio's latest record came out recently. Friends were soon sending us reviews they'd found, in newspapers and magazines as well as on the web. I read them all and I started to realise something interesting: the best writing was often found in amateur publications,...

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