'Reviews' Blog Post Archive
Signing books at Waterstones

Signing books at Waterstones

Yesterday I signed a few books at the big Waterstones in Princes Street. For anyone outside the UK, Waterstones is a popular bookstore with branches nationwide and (in this case) a popular coffee shop on the top floor, with great views of Edinburgh Castle. Several...

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‘An important book’, says BBC Music

‘An important book’, says BBC Music

The April 2024 issue of BBC Music magazine carries a short but sweet review of my book Women and the Piano. As the text is too indistinct to read in the photo, this is what it says: 'Revealed within the pages of this elegantly written book by pianist and author Susan...

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Why are most concerts performed just once?

Why are most concerts performed just once?

We were discussing the fact that there are so few concert reviews in the newspaper these days. Time was when most concerts in prestigious venues were reviewed the next day. But now there are few reviews. What gets covered? - the Proms, perhaps, and some special visits...

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The changing status of reviews

The news that Alex Ross is now the only full-time classical music critic on an American magazine has got me thinking about the changing status of reviews. Gone are the days when an 'important' concert would routinely be reviewed by all the major papers. When I was a...

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Edward Greenfield: a word of appreciation

Sad news that Edward Greenfield has died. He was senior music critic of The Guardian for many years, and a longstanding contributor to Gramophone magazine. Although 'Ted' was a professional critic, it always seemed to me that he was determined to accentuate the...

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Scottish Journal of Performance: book review

'Sleeping in Temples is the fourth book by the pianist and author Susan Tomes. The book is drawn from the author’s memories, experiences and thoughts about the music she has been intensely and sincerely committed to as a pianist performing at the highest international...

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Herald review of Aurea Quartet and me

Herald review of Aurea Quartet and me

On Friday I played Mozart's K414 concerto with the Aurea Quartet in the Cottier Festival in Glasgow. Today's Herald carries a delightful review by senior critic Michael Tumelty; as the Herald Online is sometimes tricky for non-subscribers to access, here is the...

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Herald review of Friday’s Cottier Chamber concert

Today's Herald carries a review, by senior critic Michael Tumelty, of Friday's Cottier Chamber Project opening night. As the review is only accessible online to subscribers, I'll post it here. Susan Tomes/Daniel's Beard, Cottier's Theatre, Glasgow 'THERE was a...

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American Library Association magazine review

My new book has had its first 'review' in the States. 'Choice', the professional magazine of the American Library Association, has recommended it for students, professionals, and general readers. This is a big step forward because 'Choice' is an important influence on...

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Gramophone magazine review

The March issue of Gramophone Magazine carries a review of my book 'Sleeping in Temples'. As the review is not available online except to subscribers, here's an excerpt: " 'Out of Silence' [my previous book] was written in diary form. 'Sleeping in Temples' is a series...

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Scotsman article today

There's an article by music critic Ken Walton about me and my book in today's Scotsman newspaper - click here to read it. For now, an excerpt: 'Just read her recent fourth book, Sleeping in Temples, in which she muses, in 16 essays, on issues that challenge and...

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Guardian review of ‘Sleeping in Temples’

There's a review of my new book in today's Guardian. Here's an excerpt: 'Fascinating essays from the celebrated pianist ... Susan Tomes has devoted her career largely to chamber music - a niche market within the niche market of classical music, and one in which she...

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International Piano magazine review

There's a nice review of my new book, Sleeping in Temples, in the Jan/Feb issue of International Piano magazine. I know from my own attempts that it isn't always easy to track down this interesting magazine, so I thought I'd take the chance to reproduce an excerpt...

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Classical Music ‘Books of the Year’

My book 'Sleeping in Temples' has been named as one of the 'Books of the Year' by Classical Music magazine.  In November it was their 'Editor's Choice' with a five-star review, and now in December it has been upgraded to one of the ten 'books of the year'. What...

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Reviews update

Three more mentions of my new book have appeared this weekend: Alex Ross, music critic of the New Yorker and eminent music blogger, includes it in his 'Recommendations'. Frances Wilson reviews it in her Cross-Eyed Pianist blog: 'This absorbing and insightful book will...

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