Classical Top Five podcast episode on trios

13th May 2021 | Concerts, Inspirations | 1 comment

This week I was the guest on a podcast called The Classical Top Five.

During lockdown, a group of critics and broadcasters have been making their way through various ‘top five’ categories ranging from the serious to the light-hearted, and this week they turned their attention to trios.

There are many different kinds of trios – string trios, wind trios, trios for piano and various instruments – but as my expertise is in the glorious repertoire for violin, cello and piano, I confined myself to those. It was difficult to stick to just five – even a quick scribbling down of my favourites came to about 25 in the first instance!

Tommy Pearson, Richard Bratby and Charlotte Gardner are the resident experts on The Classical Top Five – they have already amassed quite an archive of ‘top five’ discussions available on podcast.

To listen to this week’s episode about trios, click here.

1 Comment

  1. James

    I may be able to finish listening to the podcast but I make no promises. I keep stopping to listen to the works you mention! Absolutely fascinating, thank you so much for doing this.


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