A collection of photos on Guardian Witness

23rd August 2018 | Daily Life, Travel | 1 comment

For over a year I’ve enjoyed contributing weather-related photos to the Guardian newspaper via their ‘Witness‘ site, which invited readers to send in images that captured the ‘feel’ of the month. Several times I’ve been lucky enough to have one of my photos chosen by the editor to be published in the print newspaper.

Whenever I was out for a walk it was fun, though perhaps not so much for those who were with me, to get out my phone and try to take a good photo when something interesting caught my eye. Occasionally one of my  companions would say, ‘Ah, now that is a Guardian-quality image!’

Alas, the Guardian is now closing its Witness site and moving to other ways of collecting news and images from its readers. As a result, the 78 photos on ‘my page’ on the Witness site will disappear on September 30. If anyone is interested in seeing them, you can view them here until the end of September.

1 Comment

  1. Stephen

    These are lovely photos – Thanks for sharing.


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