‘Between Ourselves’ on 26 April

23rd April 2011 | Concerts, Daily Life | 6 comments

Susan Tomes and James RhodesOn the last episode of ‘Between Ourselves’, the Radio 4 discussion programme, James Rhodes and I are talking to presenter Olivia O’Leary about what it’s like to be a concert pianist. I haven’t heard the edited broadcast, but we talked for almost two hours in the studio (see photo), so I feel hopeful that an interesting 30 minutes’ worth can be scooped out of what we said.

The programme is broadcast at 9.00 on Tuesday 26 April (just after the news) and is repeated that evening at 21.30. You can also listen again via the BBC website for seven days afterwards.


  1. Anthony

    Loved the radio 4 show, now off to download some of your music.

  2. Susan Tomes

    Oh good, thank you, Anthony. Very glad you enjoyed it.

  3. Rob4

    Also enjoyed it. Will try my teacher out on the ‘no scales’ idea this evening – listen for the explosion!

  4. John Thomas

    Great show! Very enjoyable.

  5. Cross-Eyed Pianist

    What an interesting and insightful programme. I particularly liked your anecdote about the dresses! FRAN

  6. Sian Harrison

    Loved the programme – caught it by chance in the car and have only just got round to finding out what it was. I particularly enjoyed the way you and James had a meaningful debate on topics you weren’t agreed on, but were united by your passion for music and performance. I too liked the dress anecdotes – men have it too easy! Thank-you for such an interesting insight into the world of performance.


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