As I’m the one with the website, I’m helping to do some publicity about my husband Robert Philip’s epic study of orchestral music, The Classical Music Lover’s Companion to Orchestral Music, just out from Yale University Press (see photo of the author with his book).
Two new things to read and listen to:
1. Robert has compiled a great playlist of 20 favourite bits of orchestral music, and he’s written a couple of lines about each. The list is on the Yale blog which links through to Spotify, but you can also go directly to the Spotify playlist.
Please note that the Spotify playlist doesn’t contain Robert’s words about the pieces; for those, you have to visit the Yale blog.
2. The Edinburgh Reporter has just interviewed Robert about his new book. Scroll down in this article to find a nine-minute audio interview/podcast in which Robert talks about the book. Enjoy the scene-setting photo of him with Edinburgh Castle in the background!
Please share these links with friends if you think they’d enjoy them.
After 40 plus years from Cambridge days was delighted to see Robert again at the Book Festival and buy and get him sign his new book, which is a true lifetimes achievement and just what all we music lovers have long needed- a first class reference with all the stories behind the works! Ginnie Bunker and I descended on Robert at the same time and his signing turned into a University College reunion for a few zany moments!
I had no idea he had moved to Edinburgh where I also now reside with my partner Andrew Velichansky.
Reason I am also sending you this note is that there is a divine baby Steinway piano on sale at Ramsay Cornish auction rooms (tel 01315537000) on Saturday in fabulous condition and I recall Robert was always keen on harpsichords and spinets, but this baby Steinway ,although larger!, is one of the sweetest instruments I have seen.Pity if it were to go to London when there is someone like Robert in Edinburgh who could make it sing!
Kind Regards and best Wishes from Elizabeth
Elizabeth, thank you, I will make sure Robert sees your message. I am not sure he needs a Steinway, but in fact I know a number of people who are looking for a piano at the moment so I will pass on the information and hope that such a nice piano finds a loving home.