Third anniversary of this blog

28th March 2012 | Daily Life, Inspirations | 3 comments

It’s three years today since I started this blog, three years in which I’ve thoroughly enjoyed corresponding with readers around the world. I’ve also learned to use a camera (well, a bit).

I looked at the website statistics to get an overview. The number of readers continues to go slowly up, but I have never experienced the ‘whoosh’ effect described by people who find that there comes a day when, all of a sudden and without any apparent reason, there’s an exponential rise in their readership. Perhaps this is because I don’t use Facebook, Twitter or YouTube. Should I learn? I can hardly face the thought of yet more things to check and respond to. I’d probably never get to sit down at the piano again.

I’m close to launching ‘The Shop’, a page on this website where you’ll be able to buy mp3 files of me playing Billy Mayerl piano pieces at home. The pieces are newly recorded, and are not on my existing Virgin Classics disc of Mayerl’s piano music, ‘Loose Elbows’.  Watch this page for more news of my ‘Tomes at Home’ project.




  1. Mary

    Thanks you so much for your perseverance with The Blog! It is hugely appreciated by your followers, and the nicest possible treat when it pops into the Inbox! Yes, it is so hard for a musician to achieve a balance between what is useful to do via the internet and what is distraction; writing this is making me ten minutes late starting today’s practicing, but you deserve a big THANK YOU!

  2. violinist

    Happy Anniversary, Susan! We will raise a glass to you in Cambridge, MA, with ongoing thanks and interest in your postings AND photographs. (I see that it’s 70 degrees in London, suitable weather for celebration.)

    I hope you consider offering up Schumann through the Shop. And perhaps some Mozart, too?

  3. Stephen

    Thank you for all the time you must spend blogging and taking photos. I always look forward to finding your next instalment in my inbox, they really brighten my day – well done for keeping it going. I’m very much looking forward to your new mp3 shop – I think the Billy Mayerl music is great however as “Violinst” has already suggested I would love it if you also included piano music by other composers.

    Best wishes S


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