Off to a summer festival (fingers crossed)

4th August 2013 | Concerts, Teaching, Travel | 0 comments

the church porch in the rainI’m off to Cerne Abbas in Dorset for another of the lovely chamber music festivals run very successfully each year by the Gaudier Ensemble. Concerts are on 8-11 August inclusive. As far as I know, most concerts are sold out, but if you live nearby it’s always worth asking, as there are sometimes ‘returns’.

Last year the festival was in June, and the weather was atrocious. The concept of a ‘summer festival’ seemed far away as we watched people making a dash for their cars in the pouring rain at the end of the concerts. In the intervals, we sheltered in the church porch (see photo) looking out at the rain. This year the festival is in August and we’re hoping for better, though my weather ‘app’ is teasing me with threats of showers on most of the days. It’s hard to know how to plan a summer festival with reliable weather.

During the festival the Gaudier Ensemble is also offering a masterclass to several young Dorset musicians who’ll be taught by the relevant person from the ensemble. This will be in the church on the afternoon of Thursday 8th August at 2.30pm. This year, I believe, there are two wind players and two pianists. Details of the whole festival are here.


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