San Francisco Chronicle recommends Robert’s book

7th December 2018 | Books, Reviews | 0 comments

This website continues to be a bulletin board for news about my husband Robert Philip’s book, ‘The Classical Music Lover’s Companion to Orchestral Music‘.

[Yes, I know – the author could have his own website. But, having seen how much work it takes to feed a hungry website with titbits,  he would rather do something else. And he’d probably never have written a 1000-page book if he’d been attending to a website.]

The mighty San Franciso Chronicle has recommended Robert’s book as a holiday season gift:

The Classical Music Lovers’ Companion to Orchestral Music, by Robert Philip (Yale University Press; 949 pages; $50). 
‘A treasure for both neophytes and classical music aficionados, this mammoth compendium by Philip — a presenter on BBC Radio — promises to be an invaluable, get-passed-around-the-house resource. More than 400 works by 68 composers are highlighted, accompanied by short biographies of the composers.’
SFChronicle, Datebook, December 5, 2018

In other news: on Saturday 15 December, Robert will be talking about his book to Tom Service on BBC Radio 3’s Music Matters, broadcast at 12.15pm (midday) and available thereafter on the BBC iPlayer.


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