World Piano Day and a little video

28th March 2024 | Daily Life, Inspirations, Uncategorised | 2 comments

Today is ‘World Piano Day’ (as if every day wasn’t piano day!) and Yale University Press has been tweeting a little clip of me talking about the French pianist-composer Hélène de Montgeroult.

De Montgeroult is one of the pianist-composers featured in my new book Women and the Piano. What a life she had!

I hope you can see the video by clicking on this link:



  1. Mary Cohen

    Love that story about the variations on (what was then) a Rebel Song!

  2. James

    We heard about World Piano Day being a few days ago but have rebelliously decided to celebrate it today instead. It’s the anniversary of the pianistic duel between Liszt and Thalberg in the salon of Princess Belgiojoso so we’re playing duets and enjoying some warmly romantic music!


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