'Inspirations' Blog Post Archive
Channel 4’s ‘The Piano’

Channel 4’s ‘The Piano’

I've been watching Channel 4's new series, 'The Piano', in which amateur piano-playing members of the public put themselves forward to come and play an upright piano in the foyer of one of Britain's main railway stations. Unknown to them, watching behind the scenes...

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Favourite books of 2022

Favourite books of 2022

Last December my blog post about my favourite books of 2021 was quite popular, so here's another round-up of the best books I read in 2022. Once again it turns out that I read over fifty books, but some were re-readings, which either does or doesn't count, depending...

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Christmas cake decorations

Christmas cake decorations

We generally try to make our own decorations for our home-made Christmas cake. We used to attempt traditional scenes of snowmen, sledging, fir trees, snowballs etc. In recent years, after icing the cake, we've switched to making animals out of the leftover icing. Each...

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The inspiration of a fine acoustic

The inspiration of a fine acoustic

Here are Erich Höbarth and me rehearsing Mozart at the Wigmore Hall yesterday for our concert last night. Having done all our rehearsals in my small piano room at home, it was thrilling to transfer to the Wigmore stage and to hear the music sail out into the gorgeous...

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Carrying on a tradition

Carrying on a tradition

On my last evening in Prussia Cove, I was asked to say a few words after supper about the guiding ethos of the place as envisaged by violinist Sandor Vegh, who started the International Musicians' Seminars forty years ago. I stood up in the dining room by candlelight...

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At Prussia Cove

At Prussia Cove

I’m down by the sea in Prussia Cove in Cornwall, at the autumn chamber music seminar of the International Musicians’ Seminar, from which I have had an unaccountably long break. I remember thinking I’d have a little rest from it for a year or two. All of a sudden it...

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Above the frets

Went to hear a consort of viols playing their own arrangement of Bach's Goldberg Variations, which were written for a keyboard instrument. It's such wonderful music that it has inspired various people to arrange it for different instruments - I have heard it done...

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Pink garlic from our garden

Pink garlic from our garden

Last summer we brought back some pink garlic from the French village of Lautrec, where we visited a memorable exhibition of tableaux created using pink garlic cloves as the raw material. When we got home, we divided our garlic bulbs into single cloves and planted them...

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‘Out of Silence’ comes out in Japanese

‘Out of Silence’ comes out in Japanese

Today in Tokyo, the first copies of Noriko Ogawa's translation of my book 'Out of Silence' roll off the press. The cover (see photo) is much the same as the British edition's, but my name appears in Japanese, with Noriko's name alongside it as translator. I feel...

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Clair de Lune in Dorset

Clair de Lune in Dorset

As part of the Cerne Abbas music festival in Dorset, members of the Gaudier Ensemble have been giving masterclasses in the church to some local young musicians. Two years ago I had the pleasure of teaching a talented young Dorset pianist, Max Blass-Laker, and...

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BBC Young Musician result

Last night my TV recorder failed to record the Final of BBC Young Musician. I had been so looking forward to it and was crushed to find that I couldn't watch it when I got home from a coaching session. BBC iPlayer tantalised me with 'Coming Soon', but didn't say when....

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BBC Young Musician 2012

Through a fog of jet-lag I nevertheless enjoyed watching the finals of the Piano and String categories in BBC Young Musician 2012. The level of technical mastery in these young players is quite astonishing. I'm constantly amazed at how they manage to combine...

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Third anniversary of this blog

Third anniversary of this blog

It's three years today since I started this blog, three years in which I've thoroughly enjoyed corresponding with readers around the world. I've also learned to use a camera (well, a bit). I looked at the website statistics to get an overview. The number of...

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Guardian Open Weekend

Guardian Open Weekend

King's Place, the building behind King's Cross which houses two concert halls and also the Guardian offices, was heaving today for the first Guardian Open Weekend (see photo). It was great to see the place so full, and full of such interesting-looking people too. I...

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On Saturday I played the third of my Mozart Series concerts in Perth Concert Hall with Erich Hobarth. We were both very struck by the quality of the audience's attention. In any winter season, there are often outbreaks of uncontrolled coughing in the audience, but it...

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