
I’ve been writing this blog since 2009, but there still seem to be plenty of interesting topics to mull over. You can subscribe (it’s free) to follow the blog by email – each new post will pop into your inbox.

My book comes out in the US today

My book comes out in the US today

I can't pretend to understand why it takes six weeks for a book published in the UK to come out in the US, but of course there are many practical issues to do with book publishing that I've never had much to do with. I imagine boxes of books slowly crossing the...

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Scotsman magazine article about Women and the Piano

Scotsman magazine article about Women and the Piano

Today's Scotsman magazine (20 April 2024) has an article by music critic David Kettle about my book Women and the Piano. As the online version is behind a paywall on the The Scotsman website, I thought I'd quote it here: 'The irony is inescapable. I’m a middle-aged,...

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Signing books at Waterstones

Signing books at Waterstones

Yesterday I signed a few books at the big Waterstones in Princes Street. For anyone outside the UK, Waterstones is a popular bookstore with branches nationwide and (in this case) a popular coffee shop on the top floor, with great views of Edinburgh Castle. Several...

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Wigmore Hall, 23 July at 7.30pm

Wigmore Hall, 23 July at 7.30pm

My new book The Piano - a History in 100 Pieces comes out in July and I'll be marking its launch with a concert on 23 July at Wigmore Hall, for a long time my favourite concert hall. The programme is drawn from pieces discussed in the book (the photo on the right...

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Education via electronic communication

As the university year draws to an end, some of my friends who teach at universities have been reflecting sadly on the experience of doing their job online for an entire year. Many of them did all their teaching without ever meeting their students in person....

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A bunch of pianists get together after lockdown

A bunch of pianists get together after lockdown

At the weekend a bunch of us, all pianists, got together to be sociable and  listen to one another play some live music. One of us had realised that the layout of her house offered the opportunity for us to obey current rules while still enjoying some piano music. Her...

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Classical Top Five podcast episode on trios

Classical Top Five podcast episode on trios

This week I was the guest on a podcast called The Classical Top Five. During lockdown, a group of critics and broadcasters have been making their way through various 'top five' categories ranging from the serious to the light-hearted, and this week they turned their...

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My new book: The Piano – a History in 100 Pieces

My new book: The Piano – a History in 100 Pieces

I haven’t said much about my new book during the past year. In the midst of such upheaval it seemed unwise to count on things going as planned. But happily it’s not long now until The Piano - a History in 100 Pieces is published by Yale University Press on July 13th....

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Piano tuning on the horizon

Piano tuning on the horizon

My poor old piano has not been tuned for almost a year because of the lockdown. As the tuning became less delightful, I have practised 'mind over matter'  - a kind of 'fingers in ears, la la la! I don't hear anything wrong' approach. In fact, my piano has held up...

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The street is just the street … as time goes by

The street is just the street … as time goes by

A year ago, when lockdown happened and all my work was cancelled, I spent a lot of time walking around the streets of my neighbourhood - partly for exercise, partly to pass the time, and partly because we were not supposed to be taking the bus so there was no other...

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Felix Wurman’s 1982 video about Domus

Felix Wurman’s 1982 video about Domus

This week I came across the video made by cellist Felix Wurman about  Domus at the beginning of the group's career. We were trying to publicise our concerts in our portable concert hall, a large geodesic dome which the players assembled out of aluminium tubes, putting...

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Reviews of SCO piano quartets/streaming

In the past year there have been almost no live concerts, and therefore no reviews of the traditional kind. But sometimes there are reviews of streamed concerts, and the piano quartets I performed earlier this month with the excellent Scottish Chamber Orchestra...

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What would Mozart make of our spaced-out concert formations?

What would Mozart make of our spaced-out concert formations?

Yesterday I was in Perth, recording Mozart and Beethoven quintets for piano and wind instruments with principal players of the Royal Scottish National Orchestra - Adrian Wilson, Timothy Orpen, David Hubbard and Chris Gough. The performance will be relayed as a Radio 3...

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Nice messages

Nice messages

Thank you to everyone who sent me a nice message after last night's streaming of the latest concert in the Scottish Chamber Orchestra's digital series - on this occasion, a programme curated by their principal cellist Philip Higham and presenting two piano quartets by...

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